Tuesday, September 06, 2005

how was your LAbor Day weekend....

Mine was very productive I think... Saturday morning we went to drop off our water collection at the National Guard in Vineland,NJ and that was a very good feeling. We wish we could have brought more. After our good deed for the day we went straight to the Korean BBQ Restaurant in Mt. Holly Yummy!!! Then off to the market next door. Fish, Hopia, Chippy, SPanish Bread etc. etc. etc. Thank God for the rented truck we were able to haul our grocery back home. That afternoon I got busy prep'ing for the cook out we're having Sunday! That was a feast! Again we had the fish that we bought earlier, Chicken and Beef BBQ, seasoned mackerel ( this was the highlite of our lunch Sunday!). Even if we did not get our usual spot at the Ridley Creek State Park we did end up in another good location ( next to a big dumpster!!! hehehehe ). After we got home we started our knitting and movie marathon... here are the titles of the stuff I saw this weekend... "Crash" .... then "Smile" .... and still trying to finish season 1 of "Lost" now you tell me some kind of title huh!

1 comment:

Anne said...

thanks Ken !!!