Sunday, May 29, 2005

Tea ?? No time for Tea... what consumed my Memorial Weekend....

Ok I know to some this would sound stupid or even a disgrace to my generation... But you have to understand when "The Empire Strikes Back" came about I was just uprooted to a place where I had been calling home since I opened my eyes. it has only been a few months and I was still learning not one but two language.. my native tongue and English if I want to be admitted in school....The movie came and went... And I was homesick and hated the place where I was. A couple of years later ...When "The Return of the Jedi" came... My brother and his friend was stuck baby sitting me which mean I had to come along. I was bribed with popcorn,candies and soft drinks (how primitive if you look back no such thing as soda nor pop.. It was soft drinks in a plastic bag since my brother did not want to pay a deposit for the bottle of soda). I have all the excuses so I can go out of the theater.. no more candy, no more drink and had to pee a million times. Once back in the movie house ( yes thats what we call it back then ) I was looking at my brother and friends.. How stupid they look for crying over a dying green doll and a black ugly robot (which now I found out one of my favorite guy.. The Verizon Man ). Years past... And I never look back... Manage to ignore the growing craze about Star Wars. Two episode came about and still did not really got into it. I somehow manage to escape the radar. And now we have Episode III, OK I think it's about time I really sit down and try to understand why I had gone for hunting Star Wars item for friends for gifts and token of appreciation,why it was a must, why Star Wars item was the super special true gift they can ever receive. I was not doing anything this memorial Weekend so might as well waste it in vegetating and watching those Robots. I started my journey with Episode I, interesting... The boy was cute thats about it... More popcorn more excuses not to finish it but then there's that thing now known as "Pause:" and "Play"no excuse this time. Sat down and finally finished it. It was interesting, it had sunk in. This is what my brother was looking forward too, my Potsie getting excited about games. On to Episode II.. I was still in denial... I said.. I am watching itcozI like Ewan McGregor and I was upset that Liam Neeson died they might bring him back plus I like the boy too who played the young Anakin. No more popcorn this time no other sound and was holding my pee, I have to find out what's going to happen with Anakin, he have grown as cocky as a Cow dung!!! After unanswered question... Grab my jeans and Potsie and off to the theater( movie house I think was the term ) no soda in a plastic bag but nice Diet Coke with Splenda, no pop corns but instead some Pretzel with nacho cheese and raisinets. Just sitting there in the dark waiting for the show had brought tears in my eyes. I am OLD !!!! Time had changed. And I bought my own ticket this time and nobody had to twist my arm but instead I almost twisted someones arm.. A kid.. Since he doesn't really know why people are going crazy over this movie and was busy text messaging in his cell phone . After seeing the turn of events with Episode III it was not enough.... Now I had to go home and watch it all over again.... From Stars Wars the beginning... The Empire Strikes back and Finally where I started decades ago... The Return of the Jedi..... It was a very rewarding feeling... Now I know how it feels, Now I am One with the Force.. It was truly magical.

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