Thursday, March 03, 2005

Bored with Tea...

Ok... I did not stay online this morning till 2AM as what I usually do. Being tired sometime is a good thing for me. Worked 2 double days in a row, well that is done till next week again. I really have to think about this double days, if it is not with the happy Place I should say No! But then when I look at the checking account that is when I ended up saying Yes.. Oh well.. "The bare necessities I know ".. Let's go to more harder task! Today would be 4th day trying to loose weight, I don't see any result yet and I know it will take awhile. I still try to stick to this Low Cal diet and hopefully get to my feet to walk again, which is a dillema because of those 'tupid double days! No..No..No.. I am ot making any excuses! But am trying. As what I have been telling the WISH group at the Dis Forum my friends husband was a wake up call... at a young ripe age of 34 2 weeks ago he passed away with massive heart attack( bangungot) and what was traumatic about it was that my friend was next to him when this was happening. My friend got home from work same time I go home and the husband made her dinner they ate and went to bed. At around 3AM he was shivering in the dark my friend thought he was playing and she told him to quit fooling around and go to sleep since he works in the morning. Well a couple minutes later she turned on the light and he was still shivering and had turned blue. She called 911 and when they got there they where able to revive him but did not make it to the hospital( please include them in your prayers). They have one son. How do you go through with life with an experience like that. I know we all are going to die.. Eventually but it is something I think that I would never be able to prepare myself. Loosing a love one is tough! And also that's a reminder that we all need to appreciate all the people who love us.. I guess even those who aren't.. hahaha but thats another segment for our tea time. It is past 2PM and I need to eat lunch now. Movies ?? I have not seen any .. sorry been busy with life and busy trying to save lives !!! hahahahahahah

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